Bills of Lading Total Running Time: 13:54 delivery, goods, international, payment, risk, title, transaction, transportation Bills of Lading
Documentary Drafts Total Running Time: 13:07 buyer, finance, function, seller, trade, transaction Documentary Drafts
Financial Markets and Institutions Overview Total Running Time: 04:58 finance, Financial Institutions, financial markets Financial Markets and Institutions Overview
Financial Statements for Merchandising Companies Total Running Time: 02:38 Cost of Goods, financial statement, Merchandising Company, sales Financial Statements for Merchandising Companies
Forecasting Exponential Smoothing Total Running Time: 14:52 data, forecast, method, sales Forecasting Exponential Smoothing
Forecasting I Total Running Time: 13:10 decision, economic, event, facility, future, inventory, operations, Production, time horizon Forecasting I
Forecasting II Total Running Time: 20:41 data, product life cycle, Qualitative Data, Quantitative Data, sales Forecasting II
Forecasting Measuring Error Mean Absolute Deviation Total Running Time: 11:52 data, evaluate, forecast, measure, sales Forecasting Measuring Error Mean Absolute Deviation
Forecasting Weighted Moving Average Total Running Time: 08:12 data, forecast, sales Forecasting Weighted Moving Average
Fundamentals of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Total Running Time: 42:04 analysis, analyze, cost, profit, taxes, volume Fundamentals of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Introduction to Finance Total Running Time: 29:45 finance, Financial Institutions and Markets, Investments Introduction to Finance
Inventory II: The Economic Order Quantity Model Total Running Time: 24:13 cost, demand, dependent, EOQ model, independent, inventory, sales Inventory II: The Economic Order Quantity Model
Inventory Management I: Introduction Total Running Time: 30:32 Activity Based Costing (ABC), analysis, cycle counting Inventory Management I: Introduction
Marketing Concept Total Running Time: 05:00 consumer behavior, development, positioning, Production, research, sales, segmentation, target marketing Marketing Concept
Operations – Capacity and Shifts Total Running Time: 07:03 CapSim, Production Operations – Capacity and Shifts
Quality Management I: Capability Total Running Time: 18:48 analysis, potential, process, requirement Quality Management I: Capability
Sports Betting and the Financial Markets Total Running Time: 10:11 efficient markets hypothesis, finance Sports Betting and the Financial Markets
Strategy – How to Prepare Consulting Report Total Running Time: 09:25 executive summary, finance, key performance indicators, Porter's Six Forces, Production, research and development, SWOT Analysis Strategy – How to Prepare Consulting Report
t-Test for One Mean Total Running Time: 09:27 analysis, interval scaled, ratio scaled t-Test for One Mean
Taxes Total Running Time: 17:26 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), depreciation, income statement, net income, Revenue, sales Taxes