Aggregate Planning II: Graphical Methods Part 1 Total Running Time: 18:47 alternative plan, cost, demand, graph, level strategy, plan Aggregate Planning II: Graphical Methods Part 1
Bills of Lading Total Running Time: 13:54 delivery, goods, international, payment, risk, title, transaction, transportation Bills of Lading
Competitive Markets Total Running Time: 23:07 competitive markets, equilibrium, welfare Competitive Markets
Demand and the Demand Curve Total Running Time: 05:55 Black Box, demand, demand curve, Income Effect, quantity Demand and the Demand Curve
Demand Theory and Promotion Response Modeling Total Running Time: 08:02 demand Demand Theory and Promotion Response Modeling
Emerging Market Multinationals Part 2 Total Running Time: 20:19 Emerging Market, international, MNC Emerging Market Multinationals Part 2
Enforcement Problems in International Dispute Resolution Total Running Time: 16:39 arbitration, decision, domestic, judicial, litigation, risk Enforcement Problems in International Dispute Resolution
Introduction to Global Legal Concepts Total Running Time: 08:27 comity, international, jurisdiction, law, private, public, terms, venue Introduction to Global Legal Concepts
Inventory II: The Economic Order Quantity Model Total Running Time: 24:13 cost, demand, dependent, EOQ model, independent, inventory, sales Inventory II: The Economic Order Quantity Model
Inventory III: Production Order Quantity Total Running Time: 13:00 demand, independent, inventory, management, model Inventory III: Production Order Quantity
Inventory Management IV: Quantity Discount Model Total Running Time: 16:17 demand, independent, inventory, Q* Inventory Management IV: Quantity Discount Model
Inventory V: Reorder Point, Safety Stock, Inventory Measures Total Running Time: 25:24 Asset, cost, demand, management, model, probability, supply-chain, turnover Inventory V: Reorder Point, Safety Stock, Inventory Measures
Market Type Impact on Demand Creation Total Running Time: 02:54 demand Market Type Impact on Demand Creation
Methods of Dispute Resolution Total Running Time: 16:48 arbitration, commercial, contract, draft, international, judicial, litigation, mediation, political, private, trade Methods of Dispute Resolution
Multinational Strategies Total Running Time: 26:22 global, international, strategy, transnational Multinational Strategies
Transportation Models III: Location Analysis Total Running Time: 13:10 demand, method, problem, supply, transportation Transportation Models III: Location Analysis
Understanding Globalization Total Running Time: 38:54 company, economy, foreign direct investment, global, international, multinational Understanding Globalization