Classifying M&A Activity Total Running Time: 05:21 acquisition, horizontal integration, Vertical Integration Classifying M&A Activity
Commercial Bank Regulatory Goals Total Running Time: 05:48 commercial bank, regulation Commercial Bank Regulatory Goals
Commercial Banking Risks & Regulations Total Running Time: 08:20 banking, regulation, risk Commercial Banking Risks & Regulations
Government as a Stakeholder Total Running Time: 11:15 conflict of interest, influence, regulation Government as a Stakeholder
Imperfect Competition: Monopolistic Competition Total Running Time: 15:42 advertising, differentiation, location, public policy Imperfect Competition: Monopolistic Competition
Insurance Companies Overview Total Running Time: 05:39 insurance companies, regulation Insurance Companies Overview
Public Policy Fundamentals Total Running Time: 15:48 constitution, government, public policy Public Policy Fundamentals
Regulating Investment Intermediation Total Running Time: 02:04 investment banks, Investments, regulation, Sarbanes-Oxley Act Regulating Investment Intermediation
Tourism Public Policy and Governance Total Running Time: 17:28 governance, ideology, public policy Tourism Public Policy and Governance
Whistleblowing and the Law Part 1 Total Running Time: 16:16 contract, intentional tort, public policy, wrongful discharge Whistleblowing and the Law Part 1