Additional Loss Control Measures Total Running Time: 09:02 Loss Prevention, Loss Reduction Additional Loss Control Measures
Automobile Loss Exposures Total Running Time: 15:04 bodily injury, property damage Automobile Loss Exposures
Capital Gains and Other Taxes Total Running Time: 03:55 assets, Capital Gains Capital Gains and Other Taxes
Credit and Credit Cards Total Running Time: 13:22 Credit, credit cards, interest rates Credit and Credit Cards
Credit and Credit Cards Total Running Time: 12:00 grace period, interest rates Credit and Credit Cards
Defined Contribution Plans Total Running Time: 10:12 401K, defined contribution, rollover Defined Contribution Plans
Estate Planning and Wills Total Running Time: 07:55 codicil, estate, Executor, lawyer, probate, will Estate Planning and Wills
Estate Planning and Wills Total Running Time: 07:55 codicil, estate, Executor, lawyer, probate, will Estate Planning and Wills
Federal Income & Other Taxes Total Running Time: 07:18 Capital Gains, progressive tax Federal Income & Other Taxes
Federal Income Taxes Total Running Time: 10:29 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), Deductions, exemptions, progressive tax, taxes Federal Income Taxes
Identify Loss Exposure and Categories Total Running Time: 05:48 loss exposure Identify Loss Exposure and Categories
Investment Risks Total Running Time: 09:39 diversification, exchange rate, liquidity Investment Risks
Liability Loss Exposures Total Running Time: 17:07 bodily injury, damages, Liability, Negligence, property damage Liability Loss Exposures
Net Income and Personnel Loss Exposures Total Running Time: 04:26 business interruption, net income loss Net Income and Personnel Loss Exposures
Obama Care Total Running Time: 05:26 Affordable Care Act (ACA), individual mandate, Obama Care Obama Care
Property Loss Exposures Total Running Time: 06:24 personal property, real property Property Loss Exposures
Pure vs. Spec & Static vs. Dynamic & Subjective vs. Objective Total Running Time: 10:43 Pure risk, speculative risk, uncertainty Pure vs. Spec & Static vs. Dynamic & Subjective vs. Objective
Risk Control and Avoidance Total Running Time: 08:11 avoidance, cost benefit analysis, opportunity cost, Risk Control Risk Control and Avoidance
Risk Management Decision Making Process Total Running Time: 05:02 history, insurance Risk Management Decision Making Process
Time Value of Money Total Running Time: 07:33 future value, interest rate, present value, time value of money Time Value of Money