Choice of Business Entity Total Running Time: 25:34 IRC, Liability, Partnerships, Pass-Through Entity Choice of Business Entity
Employment Law Total Running Time: 29:35 benefits, Liability, minimum wage, workers compensation Employment Law
Hazard Risks: Liability Total Running Time: 06:14 Liability, long tail, product Hazard Risks: Liability
Identify Exposures Total Running Time: 22:09 business interruption, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), intellectual property, Key Risk Indicators, Liability, supply chain disruption, top risks Identify Exposures
Liability Loss Exposures Total Running Time: 17:07 bodily injury, damages, Liability, Negligence, property damage Liability Loss Exposures
Negligence Total Running Time: 31:05 damages, duty of care, exceptions, independent contractor Negligence
Real Estate Ownership Interests Corporations Total Running Time: 09:23 Corporate Formation, Corporation, investment, Liability, Real Estate Ownership Interests Real Estate Ownership Interests Corporations
Review of Lease Accounting Total Running Time: 22:38 Asset, Capital Leases, Liability, Operating Leases Review of Lease Accounting
The Least You Need to Know Total Running Time: 35:07 accrual, Asset, Balance Sheet (BS), Cash Basis, Conservatism, Dividends, expense, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), income statement, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Liability, Loss, net income, Retained Earnings, Revenue, statement of cash flows (SCF) The Least You Need to Know