Accounting for Bond Interest Total Running Time: 19:05 debt, effective rate, equity securities, recording interest, straight line method Accounting for Bond Interest
Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, & Equipment I Total Running Time: 33:35 cost, cost allocation, donation, equity securities, exchange, individual, initial cost, intangible asset, lump sum, natural resource, purchase price Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, & Equipment I
Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, Equipment I Total Running Time: 33:35 cost, cost allocation, donation, equity securities, exchange, individual, initial cost, intangible asset, lump sum, natural resource, purchase price Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, Equipment I
Categorizing Financial Markets by Maturity and Instrument Type Total Running Time: 05:46 capital markets, equity, financial markets, money markets Categorizing Financial Markets by Maturity and Instrument Type
Money Market Yields Total Running Time: 09:55 money market, money markets, yield, Yields Money Market Yields