Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, Equipment I Total Running Time: 33:35 cost, cost allocation, donation, equity securities, exchange, individual, initial cost, intangible asset, lump sum, natural resource, purchase price Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, Equipment I
Property, Plant, & Equipment Depreciation and Impairment I Total Running Time: 35:36 depreciation, intangible asset, maintenance, method, straight line, units of production Property, Plant, & Equipment Depreciation and Impairment I
Property, Plant, & Equipment Depreciation and Impairment II Total Running Time: 24:09 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), intangible asset, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Residual Value (RV), value Property, Plant, & Equipment Depreciation and Impairment II
Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, & Equipment II Total Running Time: 28:31 cost of inventory, dispositions, exchanges, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), intangible asset, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, & Equipment II
Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, & Equipment I Total Running Time: 33:35 cost, cost allocation, donation, equity securities, exchange, individual, initial cost, intangible asset, lump sum, natural resource, purchase price Accounting for the Acquisition of Property, Plant, & Equipment I