Faculty: Marco J. Malandra Tags: Bargain Purchase Option (BPO)Capital Leasesfinancial statementsnet incomeOperating Leases
Adjusting and Closing Journal Entries Total Running Time: 25:02 financial statements, journal format Adjusting and Closing Journal Entries
Audit Evidence Part 2 Total Running Time: 25:12 financial statements, Sarbanes-Oxley Act Audit Evidence Part 2
Balance Sheet Total Running Time: 19:18 Balance Sheet (BS), financial statements, market value Balance Sheet
Constructive Capitialization of Leases Total Running Time: 11:02 journal entries, Operating Leases Constructive Capitialization of Leases
Cost Concepts and Behavior I Total Running Time: 37:57 cost allocation, financial statements, labor, material Cost Concepts and Behavior I
Introduction to Accounting Part 3 Total Running Time: 12:08 Balance Sheet (BS), financial statements, statement of cash flows (SCF) Introduction to Accounting Part 3
Lease Accounting 1: Basic Concepts Total Running Time: 15:06 annuity due, Bargain Purchase Option (BPO), fair value, lessee Lease Accounting 1: Basic Concepts
Lease Accounting 5: Lessor Lease Classification Total Running Time: 10:23 Bargain Purchase Option (BPO), Implicit Rate, Operating Leases, Residual Value Guarantee (RVG) Lease Accounting 5: Lessor Lease Classification
Lease Accounting 6: Lessee Operating Lease – Initial Measurement Total Running Time: 10:41 Implicit Rate, Initial Direct Cost, lcd, lease commencement date, lease incentive, Operating Leases, right-of-use Lease Accounting 6: Lessee Operating Lease – Initial Measurement
Lease Accounting 7: Lessee Operating Lease – Subsequent Measurement Total Running Time: 09:42 Balance Sheet (BS), book value, Operating Leases, T-Account Lease Accounting 7: Lessee Operating Lease – Subsequent Measurement
Lease Accounting 9: Lessee Finance Lease Total Running Time: 08:25 Bargain Purchase Option (BPO), Initial Direct Cost, lcd, lease commencement date, lease incentive, right-of-use Lease Accounting 9: Lessee Finance Lease
Planning and Budgeting II Total Running Time: 16:16 budgeting, budgets, cash flow, ethical issues, ethics, financial statements, planning, service organizations Planning and Budgeting II
Pro Forma Financial Statement Modeling Total Running Time: 14:41 Balance Sheet (BS), financial statements, forecasting, pro forma Pro Forma Financial Statement Modeling
Review of Lease Accounting Total Running Time: 22:38 Asset, Capital Leases, Liability, Operating Leases Review of Lease Accounting
Taxes Total Running Time: 17:26 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), depreciation, income statement, net income, Revenue, sales Taxes
The Income Statement I Total Running Time: 26:32 Earnings Per Share (EPS), net income The Income Statement I
The Least You Need to Know Total Running Time: 35:07 accrual, Asset, Balance Sheet (BS), Cash Basis, Conservatism, Dividends, expense, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), income statement, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Liability, Loss, net income, Retained Earnings, Revenue, statement of cash flows (SCF) The Least You Need to Know
Types of Leases Lease Terms Parties and Concepts Total Running Time: 19:06 Bargain Purchase Option (BPO), Capital Leases, Operating Leases, transfer of title Types of Leases Lease Terms Parties and Concepts