Allocation of Common Costs and Shared Revenues Total Running Time: 10:32 Revenue Allocation of Common Costs and Shared Revenues
Applications of Linear Functions Total Running Time: 21:56 average cost, cost, market equilibrium, profit, Revenue, supply and demand Applications of Linear Functions
Cost and Supply Curve- Supply Total Running Time: 16:26 average cost, increasing marginal cost, marginal cost Cost and Supply Curve- Supply
Costs and Supply Curve: Cost Function Total Running Time: 17:03 average cost, increasing marginal cost, marginal cost Costs and Supply Curve: Cost Function
Marginal Analysis Total Running Time: 08:50 buyer behavior, marginal benefit, marginal cost Marginal Analysis
Max and Min Business Applications Total Running Time: 10:16 cost, Revenue Max and Min Business Applications
Sell or Process Further Total Running Time: 05:53 processing, product, Revenue Sell or Process Further
Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, Strategic Profitability Analysis Evaluate Strategy through Change in income Total Running Time: 09:28 fixed cost, Revenue, variable cost Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, Strategic Profitability Analysis Evaluate Strategy through Change in income
Supply and Marginal Cost Part 1 Total Running Time: 20:05 marginal cost, supply Supply and Marginal Cost Part 1
Supply and Marginal Cost Part 2 Total Running Time: 16:57 marginal cost, supply Supply and Marginal Cost Part 2
Taxes Total Running Time: 17:26 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), depreciation, income statement, net income, Revenue, sales Taxes
The Least You Need to Know Total Running Time: 35:07 accrual, Asset, Balance Sheet (BS), Cash Basis, Conservatism, Dividends, expense, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), income statement, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Liability, Loss, net income, Retained Earnings, Revenue, statement of cash flows (SCF) The Least You Need to Know
The Problem With Elasticity Total Running Time: 10:27 Elasticity, price elasticity, Revenue The Problem With Elasticity