Faculty: CHRISTIAN E. WURST Jr. Tags: Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)deductionhome officeloss limitationrental use of home
Federal Income Taxes Total Running Time: 10:29 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), Deductions, exemptions, progressive tax, taxes Federal Income Taxes
Individual For AGI Deduction Pt2 Total Running Time: 18:25 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), home office, IRA, loss limitation, rental use of home Individual For AGI Deduction Pt2
Individual From AGI Deductions Total Running Time: 18:12 deduction, dependency, exemption, income, individual, personal, standard, tax Individual From AGI Deductions
The Individual Taxpayer – Computing Taxable Income Example Total Running Time: 06:43 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) The Individual Taxpayer – Computing Taxable Income Example